Saturday, 27 December 2014

Medan Journal (Day 4): Sianjur Mulamula

Sianjur Mulamula = The Origin of Batak People[1]

Sianjur Mulamula 
Credit: Wikipedia

Sianjur Mulamula is arguably the most important cultural centre to learn about Batak Toba's history. This is where you can find the oldest Batak Toba village in Indonesia.

Sianjur Mulamula is one of the nine districts of Samosir Island. This beautiful place is surrounded by magnificent hills and stupendous paddy fields with cool and refreshing air.

Its major landmark is the Pusuk Buhit Mountain, a very young volcanic mountain. This district is separated from the island by a small bridge (see picture above).

I think it took about more than an hour from Simanindo to reach here.

Samosir Island in the Distance

Disclaimer: While I adored this place, as we go higher and higher to get a better view of the place, the quality of the road deteriorated very quickly, to a point that we have to stop driving higher for fear that it might ruin our vehicle. What a shame!

Anyway, enjoy the views!

Hills upon Hills. Just Mesmerising!

 Another view of Sianjur Mulamula

Daddy posing for the camera!

One shot for Ummi!

Like a painting. Captivating!

 Contemplating the Future. 
Or Just Posing for the Camera (haha!).

So that concludes my day 4 journey. We went back to cook for dinner and went into bed early that night. This wonderful journey is slowly coming to an end. 

(Sad face).


  1. The picture from the mountain view really looks like a painting indeed... Keep on sharing.. love to see the world from this blog.. nice.. :)

  2. Daddy posing muka ketat je... Senyum laaa skit... He he he...


  4. Indahnya pulau samosir. Tapi kenapa bukit-bukit itu gundul tidak ada pohonnya ya ? Lihat tanah kosong, saya gemes ingin tanam pohon...hehe.

  5. Nice info MK..Hehehe gambar MK tak mengadap kamera la pulak ..Hanya gambar Ummi jer mengadap kamera ..Nice pic MK..

  6. cantikk..view from the above..

  7. Thank you kawan-kawan...view macam di New Zealand. Hi3.

  8. Subhanallah... indah rupawan gambar2ni semua....

  9. menarik sekali ryan sangat indah kelihatnnya

  10. Cantik sungguh pemandangannya, gambar sawah tu macam lukisan ja...

  11. gambar akan kelihatan cantik sekiranya menggunakan kamera yg berkualiti tinggi..kalau guna samsung tab JM tu ..huhu sedih!

  12. Subhanallah. Memang betul2 nampak macam painting. Cantiknyaaaa..

  13. betullah, macam lukisan!
    cantik sungguh! subhanaallah
