Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Pencarian Bloglist Invisible Note Januari 2015

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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Medan Journal (Day 5): Huta Siallagan

The Stone Chair The Entrance to the Village - Seen here are the Panglulubalang(?s). Hua Siallagan is a small village in Ambarita, founded by the Siallagan clan about a hundred years ago (hence the name). It is surrounded by thick brick walls and bamboo (used to be, at least) to keep enemies and wild animals at bay. The Panglulubalang...
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Monday, 29 December 2014

Segmen Bloglist 2015 By SITI YANG MENAIP

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Sunday, 28 December 2014

Medan Journal (Day 5): Parulubalangan

The Trial Stones In addition to the very well preserved nature, Samosir is a land rich in cultures and legends of the Batak people. So today, we'll spend a bit of time exploring this territory in Ambarita, situated very near to our accommodation, Bagus Bay. Our first destination today is the Historical Site of Parulubalangan. Horas...
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Saturday, 27 December 2014

Medan Journal (Day 4): Sianjur Mulamula

Sianjur Mulamula = The Origin of Batak People[1] Sianjur Mulamula  Credit: Wikipedia Sianjur Mulamula is arguably the most important cultural centre to learn about Batak Toba's history. This is where you can find the oldest Batak Toba village in Indonesia. Sianjur Mulamula is one of the nine districts of Samosir Island. This...
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Friday, 26 December 2014

Medan Journal (Day 4): Simanindo

Greetings from Danau Toba! Our first stop of the day - Simanindo! The Village of Simanindo is located at the northern tip of Samosir Island. It's a 10-15 minutes drive from our accomodation. In this village, there is a fine old, restored traditional house that now functions as a museum.  This is the royal palace of the Batak...
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014

"Jom Blogwalking Kaw-Kaw Bersama Cik Iman"

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Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Segmen Bloglist Januari 2015 by Akif Imtiyaz

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Monday, 22 December 2014

Medan Journal (Day 4) : Sunrise

Watching the Sunrise Naimah woke me up at 5AM. We talked about watching the sunrise the next morning but I didn't know she was that determined! Haha! Good for her (and me, of course).  We readied ourselves (the sun will rise in about an hour's time) and daddy knocked on our door around 5.45AM. Great, another sunrise-watching enthusiast....
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Saturday, 20 December 2014

Medan Journal (Day 4): The Boy and the Goldfish

The Goldfish, A Sacred Symbol of Danau Toba Once upon a time, there was a boy. He loved fishing very much. One day, he caught a goldfish and when we wanted to cut it up, the fish spoke. It turned out that the goldfish was a goddess. “O Please young lad. Don't kill me. In return, I'll be your wife,” she plead.The boy agreed. The goldfish...
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Medan Journal (Day 3): Danau (Lake) Toba

Ferry Journey - An Anecdote Waiting in the Ferry The warm air swept across the lake, passing through the massive ferry, onto my face. The air was so refreshing. This is not the first time I travelled on a ferry, but this particular time it felt different. It doesn't have the typical smell of the sea breeze. The air here is so clean,...
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Medan Journal (Day 3): Invictus

A Poem for the Journey Invictus is a Latin word that means "unconquered." While I was on the ferry to Samosir Island, I was reminded of the might of creations, taking advantages and learning from the most bitter of lessons.  While the volcano had once sputtered a thunderous amount of destruction that killed everything in its path,...
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Monday, 15 December 2014

Medan Journal (Day 3): Parapat

Pasar Gundaling Man, last night was really freezing. I had to wake up a few times to fix my blanket. Anyway, Ridu, our tour guide, came to greet us around 8.45AM. While he was fixing our stuff on top of the vehicle (luckily it didn't fell during the travel to Parapat!), we cleaned up our places and checked out of Wisma Sibayak. Ridu...
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