Saturday, 31 October 2015

Lost in the Jungle

Tanjong Malim,Perak : Hiking and Trekking

What do you do if you find yourself separated from the main party and are not sure of your way?
Be assured that SAR will be conducted as soon as they realize that you are missing. Your objective should be that you are TO BE FOUND and not others such as to find your own way out which can make the situation worse and harder for SAR Team to find you.
1. STOP, relax, take deep breath and lay down if need be. Don’t panic and compose your self.
2. Take stock of your situation; what and how much equipment, ration and water that you have with you; your own physical condition; the time of day and weather condition; the terrain and foliage you are in; any other observation.
3. With the objective TO BE FOUND, make your plan that will use minimum effort. You need to conserve as much energy and water as you can.
4. Don’t stray too far from the trails. SAR Team will first concentrate on the trails during their search, and then only along rivers and lastly on UN-traversed slopes.
5. Stay put if the condition permits. Wandering around will make it harder for you to be found. If your present location is dangerous (rotting tree, near a ledge, dangerous slope, sign of wild animals in the vicinity) then find another place but still on or near the trail and adopt it as your station and stay there.
6. If you need to stray away from your station to search for firewood, food or water, leave a clear sign to mark your station so that SAR Team can spot it such as leaving behind your cap or ideally a note if you have pen and paper. For this short trip, mark your route frequently by slashes on tree trunk or breaking twigs and saplings so that you can return safely to your station and so that the SAR Team can follow your trail and find you. 
7. Light a fire if possible. If it is in the day time, the fire should be smoky so that the SAR Team can spot the smoke
8. If you have to spend the night, don’t spend too much energy by building a shelter. Find a convenient shelter under roots with minimum additions of leaves away from old and dead tree and wind channel. Sweep the area free of dead leaves. The shelter should be away but not far from the trail because the trails are also used by wild animals. Place a clear sign on the trail that will lead rescuers to your shelter.
9. Avoid streams except for collecting water. Your station and shelter should not be near streams because the noise from it will make it hard for you to hear calls and whistles from the SAR Team. It is a dangerous place to move around and streams are also frequented by wild animals
10. Improvise and adept to your situation and condition you are in but all efforts should be based on the objective that you are TO BE FOUND.

Kredit ; FB MK Rahman

Selain itu, kita perlu buat persiapan yang rapi sebelum pergi hiking and camping. Contohnya seperti berikut :

1. Sediakan powerbank.
2. Smartphone yang ada apps strava/mapmyhike/googlemyhike untuk check gps di mana kita berada. Some apps walaupun tidak ada internet,gps masih boleh mengesan di mana kita berada.  
3. Belajar membaca kompas. Sekurang-kurangnya mahir dengan keadaan geografi sekeliling kita.
4. Lighter.
5. Buat research trail sebelum masuk hutan. Sekurang-kurang apps dah record previous trail yang direkodkan sebelumnya.
6.  Pisau lipat yang banyak fungsi.
7. Paling utama berdoa kepada Allah supaya permudahkan urusan dan dijauhi dariapda perkara-perkara yang tidak dingini.
8. Bawa wisel dan chocolate, Wisel adalah lebih baik daripada menjerit. 
Moga-moga petua disenaraikan berguna untuk anda para hikers. Anda dipersilakan tambah petua dan pandangan anda di ruang komen. Sediakan payung sebelum hujan. 

Satu lg amalan Nabi bila kita singgah tempat2 baru baca doa ni. InsyaAllah kita akan terpelihara.


  1. semoga tidak tersesat r disesatkan di tempat yg asing bagi kita...

  2. Tips yang sangat berguna dari MKL, jom kita pergi camping ^-^

  3. Harap-harap tak ada benda yang tidak diingini berlaku la. Moga dijauhkan.

    1. Semoga kita dilindungi Allah SWT semasa kita hiking dalam hutan belantara.

  4. assalam.. bagus perkongsian ini.. banyakkan berdoa semoga dilindungi oleh Allah swt selalu..

  5. Asalam MKL..semoga kembali seperti biasa ya..lost..garap tak ada masalah serius ya...

    1. Semoga segala urusan dipermudahkan bila kita masuk ke hutan belantara.

  6. lost in the jungle? ... menangis la nampaknya :)

  7. info yang sangat bermanfaat ... untuk kaki camping :)

  8. nica doa ... ada ke orang sekarang ni cakap 'datuk nenek tumpang lalu' :)

  9. itu lah senjata paling utama semasa camping or hiking

  10. great sharing!memang lama tak masuk hutan.thumbs up for the doa! orang kita sukalah mintak izin datuk nenek la, moyang lah..

  11. teringat anak-anak orang asli yang sesat hari tu..

  12. Alhamdulillah doa ni senjata orang muslimin muslimah ..mari agar tidak abaikan..

  13. Tuan Klim..dalam gambar di entri terbaru Etuza tu baru 2 anak ya, yang ketiga sarat isteri kami ke kompleks sukan melihat acara sukan

    1. Doa semoga semua berjalan lancar serta dipermudahkan Allah segala urusan nanti.

  14. Tips yg sgt berguna.

    Kna save ni...

    Dan doa tu mmg betul... baca tiap2 pagi...
    Insya Allah

  15. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

    An Thái Sơn chia sẻ trẻ sơ sinh nằm nôi điện có tốt không hay võng điện có tốt không và giải đáp cục điện đưa võng giá bao nhiêu cũng như địa chỉ bán máy đưa võng ở đâu uy tín.
