Saturday, 6 September 2014

TERBANG, A Malaysian story - #flyinghigh

Learn from the past and never take freedom for granted, as we strive to reach for the skies. Follow Ahmad’s journey as he aims to fly high - “Terus cekal dan terbang tinggi di langit”.

As many years have passed since our independence, we have the luxury to chase our dreams. However, we shouldn't find fault with each other and only seek for our personal well-being without learning from our past. We should always realize we need each other. And whatever our weaknesses, it's never too late for us to help each other to better.

 When we're flying high tomorrow, it would be because we stood strong today. TERBANG, A Malaysian story - #staystrong ‪#flyinghigh

Salam Merdeka ke 57, di sini lahirnya sebuah cinta.